Grand Forks

Service Area

Red River Valley Community Action is one of seven Community Action Agencies operating in North Dakota and serves the following counties: Grand Forks, Nelson, Pembina and Walsh counties in North Dakota.

Our Mission

Helping low-income families and individuals achieve economic self-sufficiency through a provision of programs, services, and community building.

RRVCA Programs & Services

  • Case Management

    Budget Counseling
    Assistance with budgeting, education in money management, and solving financial problems is provided. Call to schedule a one-on-one appointment today!

    Self Reliance
    Geared toward self-sufficiency, comprehensive case management assists people with low incomes to become economically independent and meet personal goals.

  • Education

    Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
    VITA helps low income, elderly, non-English speaking, and disabled persons complete their federal and state income tax returns. (February – April 15)

    Client Education
    Income-qualified clients receive an energy savings packet and helpful tips on ways to reduce energy bills.

  • Emergency Services

    Assistance and referrals for immediate emergency needs such as health care, utility disconnections and rent deposits are available.

    Energy Share
    Funded by utility companies and private donations, this service provides emergency funds to help pay utility bills of low-income people on fuel assistance.

    Ernie J. Norman Center
    Owned by RRVCA, this home provides temporary safe housing and case management for women and children, who are homeless due to eviction and/or lack of money.

    Legal Aid
    Legal Services of North Dakota is available to provide legal advice in civil cases to low-income persons. RRVCA is the outreach site for this service. Clients may meet with an attorney, by appointment only, on Thursdays. To see if you qualify for legal assistance and schedule your appointment, please contact Legal Services of North Dakota at 1-800-634-5263.

    Shelter Plus Care
    The Shelter Plus Care Program is a program designed to provide housing and supportive services on a long-term basis for homeless persons with disabilities and their families who are living in either places not intended for human habitation or emergency shelters.  The program allows for a variety of housing choices and a range of supportive services in response to the needs of the hard-to-reach homeless population with disabilities.  The Privacy Policy for the Shelter Plus Care Program is attached at the bottom of this page.

  • Home Cents

    Grand Forks Red River Valley Community Action (RRVCA), utilizing funds provided by the City of Grand Forks, is offering low-interest loans for home repair. Loans are available to low- and moderate-income homeowners.  Properties eligible for this program must be owner-occupied for one year or more, the house must be at least 15-years-old, and be located within the Near North Neighborhood.

    What can the loan be used for?

    Loans are available for interior/exterior home improvements, which may include (but are not limited to) flooring, roofing, siding, painting, interior remodeling,  repairs on existing garages, windows, doors, electrical, plumbing, heating, or cooling system repairs or replacements.

    Will I have assistance during and after the loan process?

    RRVCA will provide assistance in every step of the home improvement process.  A construction advisor will be assigned to each loan applicant, work with the homeowner to finalize a work specification write-up, and assist in securing a qualified contractor.  RRVCA will also provide periodic on-site visits to ensure compliance with work specifications.

    Home Cents Program Guidelines

    • 0-2% loans or forgivable mortgage (depending on income level)
    • Maximum repayment plan of up to 25 years
    • No loan processing fees
    • No home equity required
    • Loan amounts can between $3,000 and $25,000
    • RRVCA may grant 10%, or a maximum of $1,000, for each home improvement project with no repayment required
    • A complete lead-based paint analysis will be performed on every project with no additional cost to the homeowner
    • The city of Grand Forks-Office of Urban Development will service the loans and maintain all records.  They have years of experience servicing loans including established guidelines for loan payments and collection procedures.
  • Housing

    Flood Rehab
    Assistance repairing or replacing basement walls, foundations, wiring, furnaces, hot water heaters, and other items not covered by other government or insurance funds.

    Home Rehab
    Low-income homeowners are assisted with all forms of rehabilitation including electrical, plumbing, heating, siding, foundation, and roofing.

  • Nutrition

    Food Fellowship
    You can be part of a prepared and perishable food recovery program designed to serve the Greater Grand Forks community. This program recovers surplus foods from area schools, grocery stores, hospitals, and restaurants. If you would like to volunteer to pickup and deliver donated food items, please contact our office.

    Commodity Supplemental Food Program
    This program will provide one box and one bag (60 lbs.) of groceries to each person (60 years of age and older) who meet the preset income qualifications. Each client will receive groceries every other month. Community Action agencies across North Dakota have begun administering this program and best of all, it is free to clients! The program provides groceries such as cheese, milk, fruits, juices, vegetables, canned meats and many other items at no charge to the client. Clients served must be 60 years of age or older. If you are interested in packing or delivering groceries to our senior citizens, please contact our office.

  • Seniors

    Commodity Supplemental Food Program
    This program will provide one box and one bag (25 lbs.) of groceries to each person (60 years of age and older) who meet the preset income qualifications. Each client will receive groceries every other month.

    Senior Health Insurance Counseling (SHIC)
    Elderly and disabled persons are assisted by a counselor to help understand their medical and health insurance bills. Internet service at RRVCA is made available to all seniors who express interest.

Contact Us!

Grand Forks Office
1013 N. 5th Street
Grand Forks, ND 58203

Phone Number:
(701) 746-5431
(701) 746-0406 (Fax)

Michigan Food Pantry
4823 120th Ave North
Michigan, ND 58259
Phone Number:
(701) 259-2225
(701) 259-2319 (Fax)

Operating Hours:
Hours: 9am – 12pm
Monday and Wednesday

  • National CAP
  • National Community Action Foundation
  • Community Action Program Legal Services