The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program was started in 2008 starting in North Dakota in 2012. The goal of SSVF is promoting housing stability among low-income veteran families who reside in or are transitioning to permanent housing. SSVF supports a Housing First approach by helping the veteran family meets its primary need of housing, while addressing barriers to housing stability.
Our Community Action Agencies are able to provide families with outreach, case management, and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits. Veteran families may qualify for assistance with time-limited payments to third parties for rent, utilities, time limited hotel/motel stays, transportation, moving expenses, and licensed child care. SSVF is funded by the Veterans Administration and works through private non-profit organizations and consumer cooperatives.
Services include:
- Veteran Outreach
- Community Outreach
- Landlord Outreach
- Individualized case management to increase housing stability
- Temporary financial assistance to increase housing stability
- Connections to Healthcare and Daily Living Services, Housing Counseling, Employment and Vocational Services, Income Support, Legal Services, and Personal Financial Planning and Credit Counseling Services