Weatherization Jobs

Quality Control Inspector

What is a Quality Control Inspector?

Quality Control Inspectors come in after the work has been completed to make sure everything has been completed and done correctly. This inspection is about making sure the weatherization measures installed were done in such a way that it saves the most energy and improves health safety for the client. Often, but not always, Quality Control Inspectors begin there careers as a member of a weatherization crew then become crew leaders and energy auditors so have a deep understanding of building science and weatherization techniques.

To be successful in this role, we recommend having:

  • Knowledge about building science
  • Understanding of construction and weatherization techniques
  • Organization Skills
  • Attention to detail 

Finally, to be a successful quality control inspector, you need to be able to multitask rather than working on one job at a time. As a quality control inspector, you will be looking at several measures on every home and possibly several homes in one day. 

  • National CAP
  • National Community Action Foundation
  • Community Action Program Legal Services